
Jun 12, 2011

Katie from the beautiful blog Illustration by Katie has nominated me for the stylish blogger award, yay! :))  I've never heard of that before, so I'll do my best to do it right. Apparently I have to say 7 things you don't know about me and post my 7 favorite blogs in random order. It's so difficult to choose, because there are so many lovely blogs who deserves a nomination. But here are 7 I like a lot...

1. I can eat spaghetti 3 times a day... and day, after day, after day.
2. Silently I hope to becoming Alberta Einstein.
3. I'm afraid of dying and don't put me in a plane!
4. Sometimes or maybe often I sing along with opera- music... really passionately ;)
5. I'm 26 years old and already have a few gray hairs
6. Always try not to step on ants or other little beings
7. I love old movies

1. Myltan
3. Flara


  1. I just noticed that you put my blog on your list! How sweet!!
    Thank you so much and good luck with the award :))


  2. Hi my dear:)))
    Thank you very, very, very much for the award:)) You are loved:)) Recently I was not available, because I had my best friend's wedding and a lot of paperwork at work..., but soon I also write about these awards on your blog. Of course you are at the forefront of my favorites:))))

  3. I just noticed you put me as one of your favourite blogs. That is verrrrrry sweet of you. Thank you!

