
May 2, 2011



I'm quietly counting down for my holiday, a road trip through Italy (Umbria and Toscany).
Hmm dreaming dream dream. Sometimes I think so deeply about our origin and the cosmos, I'm 'getting' crazy! I want to write it down how my mind works, but my English isn't good enough... I even can't write it down in Dutch. It's like a whole network in 3D, one thought works to another and another,...
It feels like the creation of our cosmos is actually quite simple and logical to figure out, like the apple falling from the tree, but we just can't see it. Probably we'll never do, sigh.

p.s. I have a thing lately with triangles...


  1. So interesting you mention all this scientific stuff! I love thinking about the stuff too. You might be interested in Bill Bryson's AMAZING book, A Short History of Nearly Everything http://amzn.to/kUDcL8 I recommend it whole heartedly!

  2. ooh thank you! :-) It seems very interesting and I can read it immediately, that's really cool! Thank you for sharing.
    I want you to share something in return, 'The fabric of the Cosmos' from Brian Greene. Also very interesting, maybe you know it.
    Except it is a large kabunga of 600 pages, and I'm still busy reading it after a year!
